LONDON - Despite the threat of the royal family to respect the privacy of Prince Harry, chose a British newspaper to publish nude pictures of it.
The newspaper The Sun was the first British newspaper that brought Harry's pictures where she is naked while women with a VIP hotel room in Las Vegas.
Explanation of the owner of News International, "widely available" in the world such pictures.
Said right of readers to see it in conjunction with the existence in freedom of the press.
Flare is now realized that the debate on royal security & freedom of the press.
Stated in The Sun's headline: "Heir it is", "Pic of naked Harry've already seen on the internet."
"For us this is about the freedom of the press .. This is about the ludicrous situation where a picture can be seen by hundreds of millions of people around the world on the internet but can not be seen in the nation's favorite paper read by eight million people every day. this is about getting our readers involved in the discussion with the man who is third in line to the throne - it's as simple as that, "said David Dinsmore, the managing editor of the Sun. (BBC)
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